foodie meets fitness

A blog following my (mostly) healthy eats, active lifestyle, and quest to be my best self

Archive for the day “April 10, 2012”

A Workout to Do Anywhere

Life can be full of excuses, especially when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes it’s difficult to find the time and energy to work out or the willpower to eat well. We all know people who are constantly making excuses for themselves when it comes to these things. The fact of the matter is that we’re only human, and life can get hectic. But it’s not about being perfect, always eating nutritiously, and never missing a workout or drinking one too many cocktails. What it is about is consistently making your health a priority. Nobody said it’s easy, but I happen to believe it’s worth the effort. Don’t be one of those people who is always justifying their unhealthy behaviors. Stop making excuses, and just start doing! 

Between work, the normal craziness of my day, and a dinner date with my cousin this evening, I didn’t have all that much time to exercise today. Instead of throwing in the towel and not working out at all, I came up with a quick routine to get a sweat going right in my living room. This circuit takes about 25 minutes, but you can subtract a few minutes if you don’t have a puppy mistaking jumping jacks for playtime and attacking you for the first half of the workout. Luckily she eventually gave up! There’s no equipment required, and you can pretty much do it anywhere.

Note: In regards to the amount of reps, I specify the amount that should be done for each side. So, if it says “10 alternating lunges” this means 10 lunges on each leg.

Good night!

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