foodie meets fitness

A blog following my (mostly) healthy eats, active lifestyle, and quest to be my best self

Archive for the day “June 9, 2012”

Do You KISS?

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein 

Saturdays always seem to have a way of flying by, don’t they?! Thus far, I’ve spent the bulk of my day running some errands, one of which was a stop at the pet store to pick Harley up some new doggie food. I haven’t bought her toys much lately because of her crazy enthusiasm to rip them to pieces as quickly as possible. But once in awhile, I pick something new up to supplement her basket of (half eaten) toys. After all, I work from home and these babies keep her busy and (somewhat) out of my hair all day long!

Today reminded why I don’t like getting her toys. Within 20 minutes of me giving her a squeaky rope frisbee thing, she had chewed through the middle of it, ripped the squeaky out, and was trying to eat it. Her punishment was having to wear her new favorite toy as a necklace:

She was not happy about it.

Another thing I did today was venture around the farmer’s market with my friend Jackie. When I spotted my beloved broccoli rabe at one of my favorite farm stands, I knew exactly what I’d make for dinner tonight…

Let’s face it, we live in a world of excess where a lot of things are seen as being better when they’re bigger or more complex. When it comes to food, this just isn’t true. Well, I take that back, as we do live in a “Super Size me” society that is in a serious health crisis because people do think that more is better. But in my world, a great meal can have just a few ingredients in perfect proportions (and no added chemicals and ingredients that I can’t pronounce!!). I prefer my eats to be simple like this. Here is what my (carb-o-licious) dinner entailed:

  • 3 oz of multigrain angel hair
  • a pile of broccoli rabe
  • basil infused olive oil
  • grated parmesan cheese
  • a hunk of fresh multigrain bread (locally made & also from the farmer’s market today)

To keep with my theme of simple eats, I’m about to have some of these babies for dessert:

Plain old, yummy blueberries from a local farm. Yum.

Speaking of simplicity, here’s some food for thought…

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius

Question: Do you agree with this quote? I think that life can definitely be complex and messy, but we tend to make it more complicated than necessary by overanalyzing, worrying, and behaving in ways that make situations more difficult. I try to live by the KISS principle, an acronym with a bunch of variations, including the most well known one, Keep It Simple Stupid; Keep It Simple and Straightforward; and Keep it Simple and Sincere  – the last one being my favorite. I think we could all use some of a KISS mentality in our lives!

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