foodie meets fitness

A blog following my (mostly) healthy eats, active lifestyle, and quest to be my best self

Archive for the day “June 10, 2012”

A Circuit Workout to Do Anywhere

*Fun news: I made a little cameo today talking about my experience volunteering at the Humane Society on one of the blogs I read often called PB Fingers! You can read it here.*

Well my bags are packed, I’m ready to go…

That is, if you consider this being packed and ready to go:

As usual, I’ve grossly underestimated how much time and effort goes into me packing for a substantial amount of time! I’m not sure if this is totally nutty, but when I pack I feel the need to try everything on, lay it all out, then match everything with shoes, jewelry, and underwear (is this normal?!). I got this far and decided to take a break and take Harley to the dog park, mostly out of guilt that I’ll be kenneling her tomorrow. Now I’m back home, procrastinating packing even more and blogging instead. 😉

I am very excited that I’ll be flying to Jersey tomorrow, and can’t wait to spend time with my family and friends!

Because I had a lot of things I wanted to get done today, I knew a trip to the gym wasn’t in the cards. If I have a lot of little things on my to-do list, sometimes being at the gym just makes me anxious to rush through my workout and scoot out of there. So instead, I did a quick cardio circuit routine in the comfort of my own home.

How it works:

  • The workout entails 5 rounds of pretty basic moves that get your heart pumping (I finished it in a little over 25 minutes.).
  • First round: do 50 reps of each move, except for the last 4 moves, which you’ll do 10 of every time.
  • After you’ve completed all the moves, move onto round 2, where you’ll decrease your reps by 10 and do 40 of each move. Repeat this 3 more times, doing everything (but the last 4 moves) in sets of 30, 20, and lastly, 10.

Well friends, I must stop putting it off and actually get on with packing because the season premiere of True Blood is on soon. This is NOT a show you can watch while packing, and so I need to finish up and give my full attention to watching it! Good night!

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